Scott Herrick: The Dash In Our Lives (from Fran Schmidt)

Created by Melinda 11 years ago
It is with great sadness that I learned about Scott. He was a personal friend to Grace and me. He often encouraged us when times were bleak. I still have several letters from him which I cherish. To Scott Scott Herrick: The Dash In Our Lives Goodbye, Friend! Citizen of the world. We are born -we die. It’s the dash that connects those years that tell our story, of our life on this planet. And what a legacy you left! You dared to reach out in friendship, peace and love to everyone you met. You dared to be a world citizen designing your rainbow flag, your own passport, and naming your boat, Mondecivitano, World Citizen. You dared to travel to countries listed as “enemies of the state.” You dared to refuse to get off the streets during air raid drills. You dared to travel to Cuba and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. You came to our classrooms Inspiring thousands of students of you mission and encouraging them to be a peacemaker, peacebuilder, and world citizen. Above all, you were a personal friend to thousands. You were an inspiration, and many of us continue to work for peace. Goodbye, World Citizen Scott Herrick. Sent to Melinda by Fran Schmidt, from Miami, 3/5/13